Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Blog Birth

First thought upon awakening, "I have a blog!" I was giddy - even after 4 hours of sleep. Sort of like childbirth. And then I started questioning THE NAME. Sway....what was I thinking? It's was 3:00 am when I thought of that. Surely there are better names for my baby. I am, as I will explain in a minute, all into names. Naming this blog is like naming a child. The pressure to get it right! This kid will have this name forever. You want to sum up their true essence - decipher who they will be - cast their future. Titles are popping around in my head like rice crispies.

Snippets. Cute. Setting a tone for my fondness towards the sarcastic turn of phrase and the rantings of a woman who homeschools three children and lists junking as a hobby.

Maniacal Prophet. Oooohhh, how interesting! Lotso fun there. This would be in honor of my kooky, deeply spiritual husband who inspires me daily.

Ricochet. A little nod to my growing hormone imbalance as I inch closer to 40.

My fondness for titles stems from my once upon a time life when I was a writer. People paid me to write catchy headings for their ads. You call that being a copywriter. People don't know what a copywriter is unless they are in "the business" (advertising). When people find out I write they invariably ask, "What have you published?"

I answer, "Well, I started as a journalist at a newspaper, but mostly I've worked as a copywriter."

"Oh?" they say, "What's that?"

"You know," I answer, "if you've ever gotten a catalog in the mail or an advertisement for say, toothpaste? The wording in that is called copy."

"You mean the junk mail I throw away?"

"Ummm....yeah." I say.

That's why Homeschool Mom is my profession of choice now, but I digress. The title I chose last night: Sway. I like that because it sums up the influence and force of God in my life. It also perfectly describes how I'd like to daily walk with God. Under the Holy Spirit's influence and sovereign power and, most importantly, swayed by His passion and love. So I think I'll keep that. But expect many Snippets along the way, the voice of the Maniacal Prophet and Ricocheting thoughts. Sometimes one name is not enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Sway. It sounds alluring and sophisticated. Provacative. Not a word one hears everyday. Mare Cath, you are one smart cookie; but of course, I would expect this out of you.

Your friend, Dee W.