Friday, December 09, 2005

Feeding Teenagers

This is a good example of why our grocery bill went from less than $400 a month several years ago to about $600 now. I'm trying to cut it back down, but, well, I'll let you witness why this is difficult to do when my children eat several planned meals in one sitting.

Care Bare (who will be 13 in a matter of weeks and is probably about to hit her growth spurt as her older sister is now almost 6 feet tall): Moommmm.....can I make some eggs and bacon for breakfast?

Me (on the computer ignoring the fact that today is Muffin Day and would require my being downstairs and actually making said muffins): sure, sure.......but make sure you make some for everybody!

Daniel (whining): Ewwww....I don't like eggs!

Me: It's okay, you can have some cereal. We'll have bacon and eggs and cereal for breakfast.

Daniel: okay

Later on Caris, having finished her eggs, comes into the kitchen and starts pulling a bowl out of the cabinet.

Me: What are you doing?

Caris: Getting some cereal.

Me (exasperated): But you just had eggs and bacon!

Care: But you said we could have eggs and bacon and cereal for breakfast.

Me: Yeah, but I meant.....oh never mind.

I've learned to just shut up and feed them.

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