Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Missions Trip Update

To update everyone on our missions trip, I wanted to report that we raised every penny we needed and got a better deal on our plane tickets than we had expected. Hannah and I will be traveling to Atlanta tomorrow to meet with our team to discuss the who, what, when and where of our trip. We'll be working on skits and puppets and things like that. I think that we are going to do some clowning for the children in the orphanage which will be great fun. More details on that later.

For now, I do have a serious prayer request. Our passports have not come in. I've read so many horror stories on the internet in trying to figure out what to do about the situation that I'm trying very hard not to panic! The State Department is so overloaded that I've heard they are not issuing anything unless you are 2 weeks from your departure date. The place to go for an appointment? Washington, D.C.! Not Atlanta or Charlotte, but eight hours away! The good news is I will actually be in D.C. next week! Our first family vacation in about 4 years. What perfect timing! Who wants to go to the Smithsonian when you can sit in the passport office? All that said, I may not be able to get in. There's that 2 week window. So I contacted both Lindsay Graham and Bob Inglis to see if my Congressman can help me. Maybe they could just sashay over to the office, pull some strings and have my passport waiting on me when I get there?

If you are reading this, the Lord brought you here to pray for us and our passports! Please do.

1 comment:

Hope_G said...

YEAH!! You posted!! Just as the Vineyard Peru travel team overcame a flat tire on the way to the Charlotte airport with ZERO time to spare, I am confident your passports will arrive on time as well. Nonetheless, praying for a speedy resolution! Enjoy the Smithsonian!