Friday, September 28, 2007

Faces at the Dentention Center

Look at these sweet girls, aren't they beautiful? I wanted to bring them all home with me. Lydia (that I am standing with - 2nd picture) and I really bonded. We could not understand each other a lick, but communicated in our own way. I ate lunch with her, then braided her hair and prayed for her. She gave me some gum out of the candy we passed out to the girls, and as I was leaving, a stuffed beanie baby to take home. I was floored that she would give me something like that and didn't want to take her toy! She insisted, saying she had others. It was a little beaver and when I asked her its name she looked confused. I told her it had to have a name so I would know what to call it when I got home. She thought for awhile and said, "Terry!"

The girl at the top with Hannah was a doll baby also. I prayed for her and she wept and shook as God poured His healing love on her.

I can't even imagine some of the things these girls have been through. The whole time I was there I was thinking about my own beautiful teenage daughters and how awful it would be for them to live in a place like this.

Some of these girls have their own babies (below), in fact, our leader told us that it was wierd for these girls to see our group of girls come in and NOT have babies.

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