Saturday, May 06, 2006


Well,'s a bright and sunny May Saturday morning which can only mean one thing for the thrifty minded: yard sales. Nice Guy won major brownie points by suggesting we go schlepping around other people's cast-offs this morning and this is what we came home with:

- A heavy-bottomed Oneida saucepan which I will use to make soap .25
- A nice guitar for my little man - something he's been wanting 10.00
- a tall, clear lemonade bottle with a stopper that a very nice lady gave me after I oogled some beer bottles with stoppers she had piled in a box FREE
- a CD case for the many CD's floating around in our van .50
- beautiful antique sterling salt and pepper shakers (to add to my collection of tarnished silver in the kitchen) 6.00
- many, many educational books 5.00
- new speakers for our computer which sound MUCH better than the old ones 3.00 (I would just like to point out I would have NEVER noticed these if Nice Guy had not been with me.)
- a few Christmas decorations .50
- a new blender because I chipped a tiny piece off the glass pitcher part of our brand new $40 Oster 5.00 (and because this one is also an Oster the pitcher fits the base on the old one, so now I have 2 bases. Anybody need one?)

I talked Nice Guy out of purchasing a Nordictrak, a massage pad thingy that goes in a chair, a lawn mower that was only 2 years old and still under warranty (we have a brand new one we just bought last year), and a laundry hamper (also have that, guess who doesn't use it).

I tried to purchase a skateboard ramp from a kid who positioned himself at the top of it when we walked into his yard. He wasn't budging. He had several, so I thought he could have parted with it, but he has obviously yet to learn the art of negotiation.

Saturdays in May are also all about the yardwork, so guess what I'm going to do now?

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